Sunday, September 28, 2008

Random Thoughts

* It's nice when your two year old lets you nap at 6:30 am, after keeping you up since 3am. I was very proud that when I woke up from the 20 minutes of sleep she let me have, she'd helped herself to a bowl of olives, someone's unfinished juice box and a granola bar.

* I have no problem if you don't like the same candidate as I do, but instead of personal attacks against my choice, why not educate me on why you think your choice is better? I'm likely not to change my vote, but I have more respect for people who positively promote their positions rather than negatively attack mine.

* My BFF and I have decided that we are going to start talking to our mother in laws like a 4 year old, and our 4 year olds like our mother in laws. I'll be back with an update.

* 4 year olds who put gold earrings in their noses will hopefully never do it again. Thank goodness my mom can get a sneeze out of any child, because I had the "9" dialed in 9-1-1.

* Honey is cracking me up lately. He's the type that doesn't walk around cracking jokes, but when he does, they are good:) I'll need that kind of humor when I have to pack up 2700 sq feet of our lives and put them into boxes!!

* My next birthday wish will be that Check E Cheese goes bankrupt. Enough said.

*Some video of a suspect I had to interview yesterday. I found a whole granola bar in the garbage, and the suspect wasn't folding under questioning, even with her brother the rat helping;)


Juli said...

My BFF and I have decided that we are going to start talking to our mother in laws like a 4 year old, and our 4 year olds like our mother in laws. I'll be back with an update.

Freaking GENIUS! LMAO! And I can't WAIT to snuggle that little criminal!! ;) She's SO stinking cute! :) :) :)

*~~*Inger*~~* said...

Garrett is in love!! He's demanding more video of Cassie!! LOL

CA Girl in 10-OC said...

You know, I'd totally ditch my granola bar by accident if it got me some French Toast loven' later on! Brilz!!!

Regi S. said...

The only political education you need is the ability to out bulls**t the other guy !

She's so cute :)

Tina said...

LMAO!!!!! LOVE her!! She's no dummy! Trade a granola bar for french toast! SMART girl!!! LOL!!

I agree with Juli... GENIUS to talk to MIL as a 4 year old! How's it working out? ;)

And btw, I LOVE your voice!!! :)))